Why do you tolerate abusive behaviors from others?

According to “mentalhelp.net”: the term ‘abuse’ describes a particular type of relationship between two things. An abusive relationship is one where one thing mistreats or misuses another thing. The important words in this definition are “mistreat” and “misuse”; they imply that there is a standard…

What do you do with all that freedom?

When you embark on a personal development journey, you begin to untangle all what’s been tangled over the years. Some moments are difficult, some are worrying, some are hopeful and some are mind triggering! When you untangle knots 🪢 within yourself, a big space is created within you. It can feel…

There is no way around your suffering. Embrace it. Yeah and then what?

I have been on a journey myself to discover what lies underneath that skin of mine and what kind of infrastructure I hold down beneath what I know and conscious about and what I don’t know and live unconsciously with. The findings are astonishing. And here I will share what possibilities you also…

What does it feel like to be in the presence of yourself?

In this blog I will commit myself to the short answer than the longer one. For the first instance, when you’re alone, sitting on the sofa in your living room, you want to grab your mobile, check some emails, see who has texted you, what is happening on social media or turn on the television. This…

Fly fly as a bird. You are free!

You are free from your judgements, anger and hate. You are free from your greed, desires and anxiety. You are free from your irritation, sadness and wounds. You are free from your lust, agony and trauma. Fly as light as a feather blown by the soft summer breeze. Fly as heavy as a bird drifting on…

Healing starts with your inner child!

I hope this blog helps bring healing to your inner child. It sure is helping me at this phase of my life. I usually write all my blogs from personal experience based on the many resources I read, watch and my own insights. Please reach out if you have any questions or place a comment below. When we…