Check-in in the here and now
November 3, 2024
Hello there, It’s been a while. Since we said hello, How are you? How are you doing, really? Have you woken up by the screaming sounds of war? Have you, have you tucked your traumas under your sleeves and covered your wounds and colored them with rainbow? Have you cried yourself, within yourself…
What is Mindfulness?
September 15, 2024
What is Mindfulness and why is it important to my mental and physical health? Over the many recent years, many gurus, teachers, neuroscientists, psychologists, mentors and spiritual leaders have spoken about mindfulness and how important it is to live a happy life, a life free of mental (and…
Personal Mentor – Why have one?
September 14, 2024
Growing up, I missed a guide in my life to just give me ques or help me have a different perspective onto things. Sometimes, I felt stuck, unable to make a decision or feeling that I was missing out on progress in my career, personal development and generally on my life! As a twenty year old I had…
Are you near a mental and physical fatigue? Here is why and how to deal with your thoughts.
August 18, 2024
Sometimes, you might feel that you are just trying to keep your head above the waters. That feeling, isn’t the best feeling you can have. It can get better from there, and it can get worse. In which direction you go, is totally up to you. What is it that keeps you hustling? The mind is a very…
Why do you feel you’re not worth it when you are as beautiful as a sunrise?
February 19, 2024
How often do you do things with the intention of taking care of yourself? How often do you take yourself for an ice cream? A night out? A grooming session at a salon? How often do you work on your personal (mental and emotional) development? Investing in yourself is one of the ways where you…
Clinging and the art of letting go
February 12, 2024
Imagine how many times you have had to let go voluntarily or involuntarily of things, pets, people, jobs, family, boyfriend, girlfriend, thoughts, dreams, ideas, ambitions, desires… and the list can go on for many many paragraphs further… Maybe take some time to feel and retrieve the nearest memory…
The Everlasting Seeking Syndrome
February 5, 2024
This is a personal inspection of what I have seen happening within the “personal development” realm and can be overlayed by my own opinions, interpretation and analysis from my own lens. Take it with a pinch of salt. Not too seriously. When I began my personal development journey six years ago, I…
Is it going to eventually go wrong when it’s going right?
January 29, 2024
When was the last time you felt satisfied with yourself, capabilities, perfections and imperfections? Have you ever embraced yourself? Well, if you haven’t continue reading. Growing up requires great mental and emotional effort to breakthrough towards real emotional and mental adulthood and…