Sometimes, you might feel that you are just trying to keep your head above the waters. That feeling, isn’t the best feeling you can have. It can get better from there, and it can get worse. In which direction you go, is totally up to you.

What is it that keeps you hustling?

The mind is a very beautiful place to start with to get answers. Your mind, is pure and beautiful, just the way it is. You have the capacity to change the lens you view the incidents that take place in your life. As a Bhuddist teacher brings a metaphor along the lines of, your mind, is a screen, you project on it all kind of movies and attach emotions, feelings, expectations, judgements and many many more factors to it that gives your mind the “good”, the “bad and the rest…

If you look at what you make of thoughts, incidents, situations or the “musts”, “shoulds” and “have tos” and realize this is all your own interpretation and self-judgement, then you become capable of trying to eliminate slowly and gradually some of these “things”.

It only takes a little bit of awareness to your thoughts and your reactions to them, to break your pattern.

As a human, with determination, commitment and a clear decision and intention (most importantly) to get better, you are capable of helping yourself to a certain degree to get better. You are whole and complete and you have the knowledge. Yet, asking for help, is not “wrong” or “shameful”. Wanting guidance is courageous and admirable (these are the works of my mind as an example…). Asking for help and wanting guidance in their act as they are, are neutral. What I just made out of them (the movie on my screen) is a very positive thing… others might find it exactly the opposite.