What is a mindfulness?

“Mindfulness is to be aware of what is going on. Everyone is capable of being mindful. When you breathe in, and if you know that you are breathing in, that is called mindfulness of breathing.” Plum Village

When you become mindful then you practice concentration and from concentration comes insight. Insight about whatever you are going through in your life at this moment or have gone through. It’s not magic or superstitious. It’s very logical, exciting and intriguing. However, expectations can diminish from your experience.

When you embark on this journey, you also embrace what is there in this present moment and you try to practice letting go of expectations, solutions, troubles from different moments in the past or in the future.

My experience has showed me that the more mindful I am of my breathe or my feelings, thoughts, actions (I work mostly behind a laptop), the better I am equipped to deal with situations that might arise and the more I tend to tap into the “inner knowledge and wisdom” for answers – This also allows me to practice patience, on myself and others as this “inner knowledge and wisdom” is not on-demand as we’re used to with Pathe Thuis or Netflix in this new tech age!

For us to tap into the power of insight that is present in all of us we need to nurture ourselves and bring mindfulness towards the different layers of ourselves in order to tap to it. And it is not constant. It is similar to a muscle that you train, if you stop training you loose the volume but the muscle is still there. 

A mindfulness session can be focused on a specific topic or situation, a struggle you have in your life right now or a person in whom you have this struggle with.

A mindfulness session can also be a session for you to come and enjoy a deep relaxation after a day of work with no topic, no answers to seek, no questions to ask. Simply, just be.

A mindfulness session can also be for experienced mindfulness practitioners who would like to experience a new energy or explore new heights within their practice.

What is the duration of a session in a program and how does the program work?

The duration of each session is 60 minutes.

Note: The tariffs of the mindfulness sessions are reduced to make mindfulness more accessible to more people.

What is the cost of a session?

The price per session is €75 excluding VAT

If you take a bundle of 5 sessions: The overall price is €350 excluding VAT (prepaid and nonrefundable valid for 5 months)

Is your company paying for your sessions? Then only 5 sessions bundle apply with a total cost of €500 excluding VAT (prepaid and nonrefundable valid for 5 months)

Do you do an intake session and is it paid?

The first session is always an intake session and paid as a normal tariff.

Do you have any questions?

Contact me or book an appointment.
